Planning & Redevelopment Advice
While risk is ever-present and requires on-going management, it is possible to design risks out of the workplace. We've been doing it for a few centuries now, although the pace of change is evr increasing. Assembly lines, automation, computerisation and even air-condiioning and better lighting have made a big difference to both Safety and Productivity.
As your business looks to move into new premises or re-fit existing spaces, there is a huge opportunity to harness these Productivity and Safety improvements. Equally, there are huge cost benefits to realised by getting things 'right the first time' as this can avoid rectifying costly errors and over-sights, as well as 'future-proofing' your business and delaying the next upgrade your enterprise requires.
Safe Hands, your partner in safety, can also be your partner in Growth, Evolution and Development into a market leader. We are experienced in providing advice during the planning phase of big and small projects, with demonstarted outcomes that pleased both employers and staff.
Planning and Redevlopment is a big process and often involves a significant financial investment. As such, it should also have a big investment in planning time, which in all cases should involve a high level of research and wide consultation, both inside and outside your organisation.Safe Hands are in a psoition to offer you high quality advice in relation to manual handling and ergonomic risks and how to design them out of workspaces.